One of the best pieces of advice that I ever received as a teacher was that at the end of the day, the students should have worked harder than I did. I don’t do the “sage on the stage” lecture. Instead, I empower students with the skills to find their own answers. In the end, what they’ve learned is to think for themselves.
After many years as a public school teacher, I have moved my family to a rural eco village. When I’m not busy homeschooling my kids, I helping out with the goat co-op or meeting with neighbors about how best to work together.
After sixteen years in the classroom–taking risks, researching new methods, and working hard to figure out how to teach my students to think for themselves–I know what works. I have written my own curriculum for over 25 books; I have prepared students for the MCAS, SAT, and AP tests; I have helped hundreds of students write successful college essays. If you want to learn how to find success in just about any kind of writing; if you want to learn how to approach a challenging text and understand it; if you want to learn why studying English is so much fun and really worth your time, I can teach you what you need.
Keep coming back for practical ideas you can apply tomorrow to improve your teaching!